

Stadtarchiv Graz Stadt- und Landesarchiv Wien 


State Archives Municipal archives of Antwerpen 


National Archives 
Landsarkivet for Norrejylland 
Landsarkivet for Sjaelland 
Statens Arkiver Rigsarkivet 


Archives Nationales 
Centre national de la recherche scientiflque 
Le centre d'accueil et de recherche des Archives nationales 
Le centre des archives d'outre-mer 
Le centre des archives du monde du travail 


Bundesarchiv http://www.uncg.edu/~lixlpurc/GIP/BundArch.html   
Landesarchivdirektion Baden-Wuerttemberg 
Hauptstaatsarchiv Dresden 
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preufiischer Kulturbesitz 
Landesarchiv Berlin 
Stadtarchiv Dingolfing 
Stadtarchiv Hannover 
Stadtarchiv Karlsruhe 
Stadtarchiv Konstanz 
Stadtarchiv Leipzig 
Stadtarchiv Ludwigshafen 
Stadtarchiv Nueremberg 
Stadtarchiv Ostfildem 
Stadtarchiv Passau 
Stadtarchiv Stralsund 
Stadtarchiv Tubingen 
Archiv fur Christlich-Demokratische Politik 
Archiv des Deutschen Museums Muenchen 
Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach 
Goethe und Schiller Archiv Weimar 
Zentralarchiv zur Erforschung der Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland 
Universitatsarchiv der Humbold-Universitat Berlin 
Universitatsarchiv der TU Dresden 
Universitatstsarchiv Mainz 
Universitatssarchiv der Westfulischen Wilhelms-Universitat Munster 
Umversitatsarchiv Tubingen 
Bergbauarchiv Bochum 
Wirtschaftsarchiv des Instituts fur Weltwirtschaft an der Universitat Kiel 
Archiv der sozialen Demokratie. Bonn  
Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach 
Stadtarchiv Passau 
Archiv des Deutschen Museums Munchen  


IRJ - Archivio storico 
Archivio Capitolino. Roma 
Archivio di gtato di Genova 
Archivio di StatQ di Latina 
Archivio di Stato di Torino 
Archivio Storico Comunale di San Miniato 
Archivio Storico Comunale di Torino 
Archilab Instituto per rapplicatione delle nuove tecnologie agli archivi  


Geschiedenis Online  
Municipal Archives of Zwolle 
State Archives in Overijssel 
Municipal Archives of Deventer 
Archives of Twickel Castle Delden 
Bentinck - Schoonheten Archives Foundation. Raalte 
State Archives in Friesland  
State Archives in Drenthe  
Municipal Archives of Bergen op Zoom 
Archives of's Hertogenbosch 
Regional Archives of Oisterwijk 
Archives in Western Zeeuws-Vlaanderen  
The Hague Municipal Archives  
State Archives in Friesland  
Municipal Archives of Zwolle 
State Archives in Overijssel 
Municipal Archives of Deventer 
Archives of Twickel Castle. Delden 
Bentinck - Schoonheten Archives Foundation Raalte 
City Archives of Zutphen 
RegionalArchives of the municipalities of Kesteren.  Lienden, Echteld en Maurik  
Regional Archives of Tiel-Buren-Culemborg 
Municipal Archives ofApeldoom  
Alkmaar Regional Archives 
Municipal Archives of Amsterdam 
Regional Archives of Waterland 
Netherlands Historical Data Archive. Leiden 
International Institute of Social History. Amsterdam 
Steinmetz Archives 
International Information centre andarchives for the  Women's Movement 
Institute of  Netherlands History 
Roman Catholic Documentation Centre. Nijmegen 
Dutch East Indies Company: de dividenduitkeringen van  de Amfioensocieteit. 1756-1795 
From Revolution to Reconstruction and what happened  afterwards 
Constitution of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 
Theatrum Biblicum 
Informationsystem Humbert de Siipervilles 
Census database of Weesp. 1807 & 1849 


Riksarkivet. Oslo 


Archives of the Republic of Slovenia 
National Archives. Ljubljana 
Archives of the Archbishop of Ljubljana 
Archives of the Slovenian Television and Radio 
Historical Archives of Maribor 


Mimsterio de Cultural Spanish Archive Census Database 


Riksarkivet, Stockholm 


Pas Scheyzerische Bundesarchiv 
Pas Schweizerische, Wirtschaftsarchiv. Basel 


Public Record Office. London 
National Archives of Ireland 
Churchill Archives Center 
Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts: Archivists' Information Page  


Государственный исторический архив Литвы  
Адрес: Литва, 2015, Вильнюс, ул. Гяросёс Вильтес, 10; Тел.: 66 7482  


                                                       Северная Америка


National Archives / Archives nationales 
British Columbia Archives and Records Service. CANADA 


NARA http://www.nara.gov/  
List of Manuscript and Archives Repositories 
Municipal Archives New Orleans, USA 
Maryland State Archives 
New York State Archives and Adminstration 
Oregon State Archives 
Rhode Island State Archives 


                                                       Азия и Тихий океан


National Archives of Australia 

Новая Зеландия 

National Archives of New Zealand  

                                                      Латинская Америка


Arquivo Nacional Chile 


Archivo Nacional. Santiago de Chile Colombia 


Archivo General de la Nacion. Bogota Bolivia 


Archivo General. La Paz Mexico 
Archivo General. Mexico City 


                                   Архивные международные организации 

UNESCO Archives  http://www.unesco.org/ 
Archives of the European Community 
Florence Open Society Archives 
Budapest CERN historical and Scientific Archives 


                                 Профессиональные архивные ассоциации 

International Council on Archives (ICA) 
Association of German business archivists (Vereinigung deutscher Wirtschaftsarchivare) 
Hochschularchive und Archive wissenschaftlicher Institutionen im Verband deutscher Archivare (Fachgruppe 8 des VdA) 
Society-of American Archivists. SAA 
Australian Society of Archivists. ASA 
Association of Canadian Archivists. ACA 
Association of Commonwealth Archivists and Records Managers. ACARM 
Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives. ANLA 
Association of Records Managers and Administrators. ARMA 
The Society of Ohio Archivists. SOA 
Society of North Carolina Archivists. SNCA  
Archives Assiciation of British Columbia. AABC