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Западные христианские апологеты

Последние поступления:

  • The eternal manifestation of the Spirit through the Son: a hypostatic or energetic reality?...
  • Communion with God: An Energetic Defense of Gregory Palamas...
  • Одушевление тела в трактате «О сотворении мира» Иоанна Филопона...
  • Counting Natures and Hypostases: St Maximus the Confessor on the Role of Number in Christology...
  • God the Father - Spring of everlasting love and life Trinitarian impulses for a culture of peace and healing communication...
  • Development in Theological Method and Argument in John of Damascus...
  • Новый Завет в духовной школе: история изучения и содержание дисциплины...
  • Вышла лекция «О школах русской иконописи»...
  • Кириллин Владимир Михайлович. Очерки о литературе Древней Руси...
  • Раннее развитие литургической системы восьми гласов в Иерусалиме (Russian translation of 'The Early Development of the Liturgical Eight-Mode System in Jerusalem')...
  • “Orthodox Theology of Personhood: A Critical Overview, Part II”, The Expository Times [International Theological Journal], 122:12 (2011) 573-581 [English]...
  • Сибирское Соборное Совещание 1918 года: материалы...
  • God the Father - Spring of everlasting love and life Trinitarian impulses for a culture of peace and healing communication...
  • ‘The Primacy of Christ and Election.’ PJBR 8 no. 2 (2013): 14-30.f [Paper Thumbnail]...
  • The Unfolding of Truth. Eunomius of Cyzicus and Gregory of Nyssa in Debate over Orthodoxy (360-381)...



    Новосибирский Свято-Макарьевский Православный Богословский Институт


    Значительную часть материалов нашему сайту любезно предоставил Владыка Александр (Милеант; 2005 ), епископ Буэнос-Айресский и Южно-Американский (Вечная память)


    Священное Писание
    Догматическое богословие
    Основное богословие. Апологетика
    Нравственное богословие
    Пастырское богословие
    Сравнительное богословие
    История Церкви
    История философии
    История Отечества
    Всеобщая история
    Латинский язык
    Церковный протокол
    Православная культура России 
    Мировая культура 
    Основы гуманитарной методологии 
    Русская словесность 
    Российское религиозное законодательство
    Церковная жизнь 
    Каноническое право 
    Церковно-славянский язык
    Материалы по ИППЦ
    Литература о Православии и христианстве на иностранных языках - Books in foreign languages about Orthodoxy and Christianity in general
    Западные христианские апологеты

    Литература о Православии и христианстве на иностранных языках

    Books in foreign languages about Orthodoxy and Christianity in general
    1. О R I G Е N. Joseph IV. Trigg.
    2. Раннее развитие литургической системы восьми гласов в Иерусалиме (Russian translation of 'The Early Development of the Liturgical Eight-Mode System in Jerusalem').
    3. Ф. Лоран - Философия 18 века и христианство - Laurent - La philosophie du XVIII sie.
    4. Эмили Дж. Хант - Христианство во втором веке - Дело Тациана (Татиана).
    5. 'Antinomism, Trinity and the Challenge of Solov'ëvan Pantheism in the Theology of Sergij Bulgakov', (in a special issue on Bulgakov edited by Edward Swiderski and Regula Zwahlen), Studies in East European Thought....
    6. 'On the relation between the Late Antique and Byzantine Christological discourses: Observations about Theodore of Stoudios' Third Antirrheticu', Jahrbuch der Oesterreichischen Byzantinistik, 68 (2018), 239-250..
    7. 'On the relation between the Late Antique and Byzantine Christological discourses: Observations about Theodore of Stoudios' Third Antirrheticu', Jahrbuch der Oesterreichischen Byzantinistik, 68 (2018), 239-250..
    8. 'Radical Scepticism, Bogus Etymologies and Grammatical Theory: Theological Innovation in the Byzantine Dark Age', Rivista di Studi Bizantini e Neoellenici, 51 (2014), 3-26..
    9. 'Radical Scepticism, Bogus Etymologies and Grammatical Theory: Theological Innovation in the Byzantine Dark Age', Rivista di Studi Bizantini e Neoellenici, 51 (2014), 3-26..
    10. ‘Divine Genus – Divine Species: John Philoponus’ Impact on Contemporary Chalcedonian Theology’, in J. Rutherford (ed.), The Mystery of Christ in the Fathers of the Church: Essays in honour of D Vincent Twomey SVD....
    11. ‘Divine Genus – Divine Species: John Philoponus’ Impact on Contemporary Chalcedonian Theology’, in J. Rutherford (ed.), The Mystery of Christ in the Fathers of the Church: Essays in honour of D Vincent Twomey SVD....
    12. ‘Does the Flesh Possess Hypostatic Idioms, and If So, Why it it Then Not a Separate Hypostasis? On a Conceptual Problem of Late Patristic Christology’, Scrinium, 15 (2019), 213-230.
    13. ‘Enhypostaton: being 'in another' or being 'with another'? How Chalcedonian theologians of the sixth century defined the ontological status of Christ's human nature’, Vigiliae Christianae, 71 (2017), 433-448.
    14. ‘Properties participating in substance: the Trinitarian theology of Severus of Antioch and Damian of Alexandria’, Journal of Late Antique Religion and Culture, 12 (2018), 15-29(2019), 213-230.
    15. ‘The Primacy of Christ and Election.’ PJBR 8 no. 2 (2013): 14-30.f [Paper Thumbnail].
    16. ‘Under the Spell of John Philoponus: How Chalcedonian Theologians of the Late Patristic Period Attempted to Safeguard the Oneness of God’, Journal of Theological Studies, 68 (2017), 625-649.
    17. ‘Under the Spell of John Philoponus: How Chalcedonian Theologians of the Late Patristic Period Attempted to Safeguard the Oneness of God’, Journal of Theological Studies, 68 (2017), 625-649.
    18. “Crucifixion” of the Logic. Palamite Theology of the Uncreaded Divine Energies as Fundament of an Ontological Epistemology [International Journal of Orthodox Theology 6:4 (2015), p. 69-106].
    19. “Crucifixion” of the Logic. Palamite Theology of the Uncreaded Divine Energies as Fundament of an Ontological Epistemology [International Journal of Orthodox Theology 6:4 (2015), p. 69-106].
    20. “Orthodox Theology of Personhood: A Critical Overview, Part II”, The Expository Times [International Theological Journal], 122:12 (2011) 573-581 [English].
    21. “To be circumscribed belongs to the essence of man”. Theodore of Stoudios on Individuality, Circumscription and Corporeality.
    22. “To be circumscribed belongs to the essence of man”. Theodore of Stoudios on Individuality, Circumscription and Corporeality.


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