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Новосибирский Свято-Макарьевский Православный Богословский Институт
Литература о Православии и христианстве на иностранных языках
Всего голосов: 0 Версия для печати Просмотров: 1459
Рекомендуем к прочтению: - Earle E Cairns - Christianity Through the Centuries - a history of the chri ... - The History of the Origins of Christianity. Book VII. Marcus-Aurelius - Oxford History of the Christian Church.England.Ireland.Scotland.Wales.(2008 ... - The Cambridge companion to Orthodox christian theology - JOHNSON, Paul - A History Of Christianity
- Earle E Cairns - Christianity Through the Centuries - a history of the chri ...
- The History of the Origins of Christianity. Book VII. Marcus-Aurelius
- Oxford History of the Christian Church.England.Ireland.Scotland.Wales.(2008 ...
- The Cambridge companion to Orthodox christian theology
- JOHNSON, Paul - A History Of Christianity
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