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Литература о Православии и христианстве на иностранных языках - Books in foreign languages about Orthodoxy and Christianity in general
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    Литература о Православии и христианстве на иностранных языках

    Books in foreign languages about Orthodoxy and Christianity in general
      Опубликовано 04.10.2016 в рубрике  Учебные пособия и материалы » Литература о Православии и христианстве на иностра

        James William Ermatinger. Daily life in the New Testament

      James William Ermatinger. Daily life in the New TestamentThe first century c.e. witnessed the development of a new religion, Christianity, and the political destruction of the Jewish state. These political and religious phenomena impacted society tremendously. At the same time society influenced the religious backdrop and the political evolution. This work attempts to examine these influences amid the political, social, economic, and religious background.

      The daily life of individuals living during the first century c.e. in Palestine, Asia Minor, and the Eastern Mediterranean regions is a contrast of religions, ethnic groups, political powers, and social classes. The difference between the first century b.c.e. and the first century c.e. was tremendous. Politically Rome now controlled the region, a strong middle class enhanced the economic picture, and the spread, albeit small, of a new religion, Christianity, shaped daily life in 100 c.e.

      The new religion began from Judaism but ultimately split to develop along different lines. Christianity was founded by the followers of Jesus, a Jew, who lived his life according to the Jewish customs and norms. The figure of Jesus is the most important character, because his life and teachings provided the initial force of the new religion. Jesus, however, is an enigma. The works that survive do not give a very complete picture of his life. While we may desire a biography, what is probably more important for modern readers of these surviving works is how Jesus was viewed by others.

      By understanding how different groups viewed Jesus we are able to understand these groups, which shaped the daily lives of those coming into contact with believers of the new religion. An examination of the different groups—Jesus’ followers, Jewish religious groups, Jewish political powers, Roman leaders, social elites, the middle class, and the common people—and how they viewed Jesus helps the modern reader understand daily life of the time of the New Testament.
        Образование и Православие

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